воскресенье, 23 февраля 2014 г.

Форт Агуада - 100 дней сыроедения в Индии (Выпуск 10) HD

The largest importers and exporters of nutmeg and walnuts in the world.

The main importers of nuts and kernels of nuts are the countries of the European Community , Japan , Canada , Brazil , Israel , Australia and others.
The largest exporting country is U.S. WALNUTS (almost two thirds of sales) , most production is done in European Community countries (over 80 %). France export annually sells more than 8000 tons walnut shell .
Comparatively small amounts of nuts in the shell export selling Cili , China , Bulgaria , Hungary and Moldova. Production which is not homogenous because pronounced polimorfizmului plantations as a result of long multiplication pecan nuts by direct seeding .
The greatest amount of hazelnuts made ​​the world market is of American origin ( 20 % of sales ) .
Large quantities of hazelnuts in the world market made ​​China , India, Romania , Republic of Moldova.
The largest importer of walnuts in the U.S. is Japan , which absorbs about half of the production exported. The core of walnuts in the U.S. is purchased from European Community countries , Canada , Israel and South Korea.
China is the second largest exporter of hazelnuts in the world market .

The expenses necessary for the walnut grove plantation in Moldova. How to plant your own walnut plantation orchard on 10 ha sup.

The expenses necessary for the walnut grove plantation in Moldova on a plot of 10 hectares.
- During which mature walnut tree is 7-8 years;
- After Seedlings , already in its third year , when the first fruit in a small amount (eg, a variety of solid walnut French origin named Lara comes to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting ) , 15 kg of nuts to hectare , 33 % of which is the core of a single tree .
- Fall planting is done at a distance of about 13 to 15 feet between trees and 13-15 meters between rows ;
- Optimal density is between 85-100 trees / ha , depending on the variety chosen;
- Walnut varieties recommended for planting are Moldovan , adapted to the climate and soil of us like Valcea, haywire , Jupanesti , Valrex etc.
- The cost of a tree varies between 15 and 20 dollars depending on the variety, instead of getting the villages of Northern Moldavia , etc.
- Holes must have a depth of 50-60 inches , and each will enter pit before planting , about 20 kg of manure fermented ( mranita ) and straw 50 % / 50 % as in how hultuirii place juveniles to be on the surface ? ;
- Walnut plantations are established only on favorable land in specific areas of this crop , the land being cleared of woody vegetation , then 3-4 years cultivating legumes , perennial or annual crop is established after the walnut .
- Fertilization is based on the direction of turn every tree , soil preparation is done by subsoiling or digging large planting.

After you have informed how to start such a deal with the walnut grove plantation must take into account a very important thing , namely what expenses are subject in its infancy . According to experts these costs ( incurred until the trees begin to bear fruit ) for a nut plantation on a land of 10 hectares are approximated around 16 000 $ and include:

One . purchase trees , 1,000 trees X $ 15 = $ 15,000
if not planted walnut seedlings but even then the cost of acquisition of juveniles for grove is $ 300 for a plot of 10 hectares
Two . specific agricultural works ( digging holes , restricting land, etc. ) $ 1,500 / year
Three . combating diseases and pests ; $ 400 / year
April . angajatilor.400 pay $ / year

Once the nut plantation begins to bear fruit can be obtained annually from 2.5 to 3 tons of nuts / hectare according to certain climatic factors . The resulting amount of core is 33 % of the nuts can be sold on the EU market , bringing you average $ 10,000 per year , while operating costs per hectare in the brief can not exceed 1,000 euro / year.

According to experts , the investment pays for itself after two years of entering the fruit of the plantation , who can prove return on average up to 35-80 years of existence .

A very important detail is that after the dismantling of the plantation , Walnut result you can capitalize on the foreign market as raw material for furniture production ( eg for a cubic meter of wood is paying on average between 1,500 and 2,000 euros ) .

Today in Europe there is a deficit estimated between 80,000 and 100,000 tons of walnuts . Market is free and you should know that walnut does not grow anywhere. Among major countries producing crops of nuts there are: Morocco , USA Mexico , Chile , Argentina , China , Turkey , Ukraine , Romania , Russia, Italy , Iran .

It is very important to know for those interested to enter into a business such as export of finished product is much more profitable than exporting raw nuts such as : natural product in vacuum bags with small table (from 100 to 500 gr.) , honey , nuts and honey extracts alcohol walnuts in prunes, cosmetics and pharmaceutical and more.

What amount of nuts is harvested from a 10 years walnut tree and what is the amount of kernel harvested from a 10 years walnut tree ?

The amount of Nuts and Kernel collected from a single walnut tree fruit 10 years is 30-50 kg of walnuts or 12kg shelled nuts.
Weight nuts and nut amount differs depending on the kind of nut .
Miroslava. So it is going to be 4000kg of Walnuts from 1 ha, 33% out of this is walnut kernel.
- Variety originating in Romania ;
- Force medium - large, globular crown , yielding the buds bulb well is early and productive ;
- The variety is resistant to frost and nut specific diseases ;
- Fruits are large (14- 16g ) , round - oval shape , rounded at the ends, endocorpul thin, smooth surface with fewer wrinkles and dimples . Good core cavity filled valves and remove the whole and easily share core is 52.6 % ;
- It recolteza in the first decade of September.
- Variety originating in Romania ;
- Force middleweight crown Globu - Loas , yielding the buds bulb well is early and very productive ;
- Tolerant variety is resistant to frost and specific diseases walnut ;
- Fruits are large ( 13 - 14g ) , round - ovoid shape , rounded at the ends, endocorpul thin, smooth surface with fewer wrinkles and dimples . Good core cavity filled valves and remove the whole and easily share core being 53 % ;
- It recolteza in the second decade of September.
- Variety originating in Romania ;
- Force middleweight crown Globu - Loas , yielding the buds bulb well , and the side shoots is early and productive ;
- The variety is resistant to frost and nut specific diseases ;
- Fruits are large (13 - 14g ) , ovoid - oblong , rounded at the ends, endocorpul thin, smooth surface with fewer wrinkles and dimples . Good core cavity filled valves and remove the whole and easily share core is 52.5 % ;
- It recolteza in the first decade of September.
- Variety originating in Romania ;
- Force medium - large, globular crown , yielding the buds and lateral buds bulb well is early and productive ;
- Tolerant variety is resistant to frost and specific diseases walnut ;
- Fruits are large (1.5 g ) , round - ovoid shape , rounded at the ends, endocorpul thin, brittle , regular surface , with fewer wrinkles and dimples . Good core cavity filled valves and remove the whole and easily share core is 50.6 % ;
- It recolteza in the second decade of September.
8.3. Technical training in species walnut crown.

What is the area of walnut plantings in Moldova in 2014 and what is the amount of nut products exported from the Republic of Moldova?

In 2020 walnut plantings in Moldova should reach at least 14 000 hectares and unpeeled walnuts harvest to be 60 000 tons , which would have provided a considerable increase in exports nutmeg up to 15 000 tons, according to National Programme for the Development of nut crops . But in reality, things are different , and our country has already planted 11 000 hectares of walnut orchard and fruit , experts say , it looks rich . "Indeed , increased by more territories with nuts . In that program is specified planting one thousand hectares per year, but I have already exceeded this requirement , "said Constantin Gajim , executive director of the Union of Producers of nut crops in the country .
The idea of extending surfaces walnut orchards , plantations increased productivity , and improved quality nuts was generated by a growing demand in the European market increased nut and more, their deficit in the European market in recent years, exceeding 100 thousand tons walnuts in shell . For comparison , according to the Land Registry , walnut plantings on 1 January 2011 was about 11 thousand hectares.
The total production of walnuts in Republic of Moldova is 22,000 tones or 6600 tons of nuts core per year , much of which is consumed by the population of Moldova and the rest is exported to Romania , Russia, Ukraine , France, USA and Germany.

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