воскресенье, 23 февраля 2014 г.

The largest importers and exporters of nutmeg and walnuts in the world.

The main importers of nuts and kernels of nuts are the countries of the European Community , Japan , Canada , Brazil , Israel , Australia and others.
The largest exporting country is U.S. WALNUTS (almost two thirds of sales) , most production is done in European Community countries (over 80 %). France export annually sells more than 8000 tons walnut shell .
Comparatively small amounts of nuts in the shell export selling Cili , China , Bulgaria , Hungary and Moldova. Production which is not homogenous because pronounced polimorfizmului plantations as a result of long multiplication pecan nuts by direct seeding .
The greatest amount of hazelnuts made ​​the world market is of American origin ( 20 % of sales ) .
Large quantities of hazelnuts in the world market made ​​China , India, Romania , Republic of Moldova.
The largest importer of walnuts in the U.S. is Japan , which absorbs about half of the production exported. The core of walnuts in the U.S. is purchased from European Community countries , Canada , Israel and South Korea.
China is the second largest exporter of hazelnuts in the world market .

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